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          Current Position: Home > Content

          German Students

          We are five Civil Engineering exchange  studentsfrom three different universities in Germany. Katharina Ritter, Leon  Ronnenberg and Lis Gillen are from Jade University of Applied Sciences  Oldenburg in their 5th semester.Richard Rittger is from Coburg University of  Applied Sciences in his 5th semester. Dennis JuergenZwalinna is from Lubeck  University of Applied Sciences in his 7th semester.

          We really appreciate that we get a chance  to study one semester at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology and we  are happy about to live in a completely different culture and establish many  new contact.








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              2. 艳魔大战春荡女淫3,艳鉧动漫1~6全集在线观看,好男人看在线视频,他爱不爱你上个床就知道了

